Tuesday, February 8, 2011

:: who is AnwarHadi?? ::

as for tonite, all of sudden i discovered this guy through youtube... who is him?? AnwarHadi.. i dunno him..may b u dunno him.. haha..

But, the video that i watched really attracted me.. haha.. x caye? u tgk la sendiri.. here i attached u the url for the video..


why i posted this? to promote him?? haha.. dunno.. but his english really make me look bad..
wa caya same lu la bro... haHAha......

Monday, February 7, 2011

:: Woman - in the eyes of Engineers ::

A) To find a WOMEN u need MONEY & TIME. Therefore




C) Therefore



D) MONEY is the root of all PROBLEMS


E) Therefore



Sunday, February 6, 2011

:: Finish MIS subject ::

huhhhhhhhh.. what a day. today kitorg dah abis satu subjek dalm sem 3 ni iaitu subjek MIS. kalo ikutkan aku sepatutnyer la mesti lebih faham daripada semua dak2 klas MBA tu..sbb my first degree was IT (Interactive Media)... tp masalahnye, aku mmg x minat IT pun... i like using the technologies but to learn about the things behind the technologies just like a disaster to me.. hahaha

So, td is our last class with our beloved PM Dr. Habibah (very nice lect).. we did our last presentation which is our website (fantasybridal.com)... but b4 that we sat for our exam... hopefully we will get flying colours... hehe (berangan)...

Regarding the website that we created.. just a simple website that shows our passion towards the bridal business... haha.. thanx to khi razikee n Ina'z Alwi for the comments.. wakakka... Sorry guys, the web just ok but not very good.. hahaha... click the url to view the website.. hehe www.wix.com/amier1984/fantasybridal

Monday, January 31, 2011

:: Gugur Taraf UITM ::

OMG!! all of sudden i received smsm from UiTM saying that i skarang ni listed as pelajar gugur taraf!

Ermm.. sume ni sebab i x register subjek for this sem.. Damm.. Actually, sistem not functional well that's why la i x leh nk register.. (actually, i x try register pun, kawan2 yg ckp x leh register).. kuang kuang kuang.. padan muka....

So now, camne eik? takkan nk biarkan sem ni gugur.. kalau gugur, lame lg nk settle MBA i ni... Huhu.. hopefully my coordinator will help us ( sbb satu klas kot listed ..huhuu) to solve this prob.

heheheehehehe... lain kali, jgn lupe register.. k

:: Ariel Peter Pan di Penjara 3 Tahun 6 Bulan ::

maka tersebut la kisah.. di sebuah negara yg jauh diseberang laut sinun...

ingatkah anda pada video ariel peter pan?? ops! bukan video itu yer, tp video klip kumpulan peter pan.. hehe... so, vokalis dier ni kan ade masalah skang.. masalah yang dicari sendiri...

ape kes la nk rakam2 eik.. pastu jatuh kat tgn org lain kan dah susah.. sape yg malu? ariel n luna maya serta cut tari yang malu.. huhu..

"Vokalis kumpulan Peterpan, Ariel atau nama sebenarnya Nazriel Irham, dijatuhi hukuman penjara tiga tahun enam bulan dan didenda Rp250 juta (kira-kira RM85,000) atau penjara tiga bulan oleh Mahkamah Daerah Bandung Isnin, setelah didapati bersalah membuat dan mengedar video pornografi melibatkan dirinya sebagai pelaku dengan artis Luna Maya dan Cut Tari."

now, kan dah sedey.. terpaksa la meringkuk dalam penjarak.. lame lak tu.. pastu kene byr 250 juta lak tu.. hish hish hish... tu la, lain kali sblm buat tu, pikir la dulu...

TP kan.. nape luna maya x kene penjara?? hahaaa... jawab la sendiri...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

:: tuan tanah kembali... 2011 ::

huhu.. lame dowh x bukak blog ni. baru je tgk2 mlm ni.. then tertanye2 ape la yang aku dh buat sampai blog ni dah setahun lebey bersawang...

ape pun, skang dah masuk 2011.. so, aku nk tinggalkan 2010 tu jauh2..... hahaha... bak kate org"yang baik tu jd kan la tauladan.. yg jahat tu, jd kan la sempadan ye.."

harap2 tahun ni aku rajin la menyemak kat blog ni... insyaAllah.. hehe